The organ will come from a deceased donor, and the surgeons, from Johns
Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, say they expect it
to start working in a matter of months, developing urinary function,
sensation and, eventually, the ability to have sex.
Only two other penis transplants have been reported in medical journals:
a failed one in China in 2006 and a successful one in South Africa last
year. The surgery is considered experimental, and
From 2001 to 2013, 1,367 men in the US military service suffered wounds
to the genitals in Iraq or Afghanistan, according to the Department of
Defense Trauma Registry. Nearly all were under 35 and were hurt by
homemade bombs, commonly called improvised explosive devices, or
I.E.D.s. Some lost all or part of their penises or testicles — what
doctors call genitourinary injuries.
Missing limbs have become a well-known symbol of these wars, but genital
damage is a hidden wound, and, to many, a far worse one, cloaked in
shame, stigma and embarrassment.
“These genitourinary injuries are not things we hear about or read about very often,” said Dr. W. P. Andrew Lee, the chairman of plastic and reconstructive surgery at Johns Hopkins. “I think one would agree it is as devastating as anything that our wounded warriors suffer, for a young man to come home in his early 20s with the pelvic area completely destroyed.”
Johns Hopkins has given the doctors permission to perform 60
transplants. The university will monitor the results and decide whether
to make the operation a standard treatment. The risks, like those of any
major transplant operation, include bleeding, infection and the
possibility that the medicine needed to prevent transplant rejection
will increase the odds of cancer.
Dr. Lee cautioned that patients should be realistic and not “think they
can regain it all.” But doctors can give the recipients a range of what
to expect.
“Some hope to father children,” Dr. Lee said. “I think that is a realistic goal.”
Just the penis will be transplanted, not the testes, where sperm are
produced. So if a transplant recipient does become a father, the child
will be his own genetically, not the offspring of the donor. Men who
have lost testicles completely may still be able to have penis
transplants, but they will not be able to have biological children.
In the 2006 case in China, the recipient asked that the transplant be
removed a few weeks after the operation because of “apparent
psychological rejection,” the Johns Hopkins doctors said, adding that in
photographs the transplant had patches of dead and peeling skin,
possibly from inadequate blood flow.
But the South African recipient, a young man whose penis had been
amputated because of a botched circumcision, recently became a father,
said Dr. Gerald Brandacher, the scientific director of the
reconstructive transplantation program at Johns Hopkins.
Doctors who treat young men wounded in combat say that no matter how bad
their other injuries are, the first thing the men ask about when they
wake up from surgery is whether their genitals are intact.
“Our young male patients would rather lose both legs and an arm than
have a urogenital injury,” said Scott E. Skiles, the polytrauma social
work supervisor at the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System.
Source: NY Times
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